
Councillor for Economic Affairs Mattle visits adsi

State funding enables cutting-edge research

State Councillor for Economic Affairs Anton Mattle visited the ADSI laboratories on 4 May. Mr Mattle was introduced to the exciting world of plant screening and informed about current research work by ADSI founder and director Prof. Günther Bonn. He was particularly impressed by the central role that the ADSI is playing in the establishment and further development of Phytovalley Tirol, an international science hub for plant biotechnology; according to Mr Mattle, he sees this as "another important building block for Tyrol as a life science location". The close networking of science and business will also create many high-quality jobs in Tyrol.

During the visit, Prof. Bonn emphasised the importance of the cooperation with the state of Tyrol, which co-finances the ADSI's research activities through annual funding: "With the financial support of the state, we have been able to position Tyrol at the forefront of phyto-research worldwide. With the funding for the 2022 to 2024 funding period, we want to continue this positive development as well as international networking and visibility," said Prof Bonn, thanking the state of Tyrol."

The tour of the ADSI was attended by the Rector of Karl Franzens University Innsbruck, Prof. Tilmann Märk, Dr Thomas Jakschitz, Deputy Director of the ADSI and Office Manager Gökhan Senli.

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