The "European Chronic Diseases Alliance" has defined cancer as one of the most important non-communicable diseases, accounting for 13% of deaths worldwide and leading to 8.2 million deaths annually. The NEOSETAC project focusses on breast cancer as the most common type of cancer in women. It accounts for 10.4% of all cancers in women and causes over 400,000 deaths per year worldwide. In Europe, there are more than twice as many new cases of breast cancer every year than anywhere else. The complexity of breast cancer makes the development of successful treatment methods a major challenge.
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Project duration
01/2018 – 12/2022
Total budget
838.556 € (Anteil adsi: 180.000 €)
Horizon 2020

Antitumour potential

The NEOSETAC project will establish an optimal use of the therapeutic antitumour potential of a novel selenium (Se)-based therapy for the treatment of breast cancer. The clinical application of selenium compounds for cancer treatment has so far been limited to prevention with dietary supplements.

The aim of the project is to improve the therapeutic window, the pharmacokinetic properties of Se and the targeted drug delivery via nanoparticles (NPs). By loading biodegradable NPs with selenium, drug release is controlled within the narrow therapeutic window of Se. At the same time, the uptake and activation of Se compounds is only achieved at the desired site (tumour lesions and metastases).

The NPs are specialised by targeting ligands to cancer cells / cancer stem cells to further improve therapeutic efficacy and prevent cancer recurrence after chemotherapy. These properties lead to increased anti-cancer activity and reduced systemic toxicity. In addition, targeting via NPs improves the pharmacokinetic properties and increases the relatively short half-life (~18 hours) of Se.

The ADSI is contributing its expertise in the design of preclinical studies to this project.

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